and am willing to spend time on the software required to recognize a
signal but would like to know if the boards are physically able to
receive it
I'd be much more inclined to spend my time fixing a transmitter and battery into a switch rather than spend time trying to figure out what the proprietary radio switches transmit.
To receive the data you will certainly (and I mean absolutely certainly) need a small micro decoding the transmission received to ensure that it is valid and is error free (as far as this is possible with radio) and you might as well not waste your time trying to understand what the proprietary devices transmit; instead use a micro with the transmitter, read the buttons and...
- Send a preamble
- Send an address
- Send the switch status along with battery voltage
- Send a checksum
Then, because YOU have defined the transmission protocol YOU will know how to decode the received transmission and not waste time going down blind alleys trying to figure out what the proprietary device transmits.