What does it convert a design from USB Mini or Micro connector to a USB type-C connector?
To have a more specific question, take for example FTDI Basic (schematic below) which is USB/Serial converter based on FTDI232RL and has a USB Mini connector. Converting this design a USB Micro connector is trivial, just rewiring the 4 connections to the USB Micro connector. What about a USB Type C connector, is it just a clever rewiring? Does it requires additional ICs and functionality to be type C compatible?
All I care about is modifying my existing custom PCB designs to have a functional USB type C connector. Having additional Type C features such as higher speed are non goal. Also, I am not looking for an off the shelf Type C USB/Serial converter but am more interested in converting existing designs to Type C. This is for a hobby/one-of/open-source designs if it matters.