I'm working on a project to put together a custom bike light from some LED flashers and a battery pack. I'm looking at two different options, one which comes with a built-in switch, and another where I would be wiring up my own switch.
If I build my own switching mechanism, I will purchase waterproof switches. If I buy the system with the built-in switch (it's actually cheaper than making my own, but there are other considerations), then it will not be water proof.
With the pre-built switch I would need a way to waterproof the whole thing; with the self-built I would need a way to waterproof the contacts on the backside, where the wires get attached. In either case, I must protect the battery from the elements. Most suggestions I have seen are to put the battery inside of a water bottle, which is then easy to put on the bike, and simple to add/remove.
What are some low-cost ($20 max, preferably cheaper) ways to water-proof switches and contacts? I'm not looking for a specific product, so much as a method for protecting them. Is it best to build some sort of cover? Use some sort of shrink-wrap? I've seen suggestions online to just put the finger of a latex glove over the switch, and seal that off. Would that be sufficien protection?
Note: this application will be using 12v DC and a max of 3 amps (likely more like 1.5A).