I am using Keysight MSOX3102T oscilloscope which has 1 GHz bandwidth. At these frequencies, \$1~M\Omega\$ input impedance is not suitable due to reflections. Therefore, it has the possibility to select \$50 \Omega\$ input port.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Assuming the configuration shown in the figure in which I measure a RMS voltage of \$V_{rms} = 2.2V\$ on the oscilloscope, is it correct to compute the power provided by the signal generator as: $$ P = \frac{V^2_{rms}}{R}= \frac{2.2^2}{50}= 0.0968 W$$ where \$V_{rms}\$ is the RMS voltage measured on the oscilloscope and R the input port impedance?
UPDATE: Thank you everyone for the replies. Maybe I have not been clear enough explaining my doubt. It can be summarized as, setting the input impedance at \$50 \Omega\$, can I take the load impedance as just \$50 \Omega\$ or does it not work that way in an oscilloscope?