I recently had to build a filter to go from PWM to 0-5Vcc, and it got me thinking...
At 100% duty cycle, the PWM used was 100% 5V output, DC voltage...
If i used this PWM to, for example, switch a MOSFET on/off to drive a transformer's primary coil (like on a SMPS model).. the 100% Duty Cycle would actually be the same as 0%, (the transformer won't work for a Non-Oscilating voltage on primary), and so there would be no output on the supply...
I assume that this is considered on every PWM circuit, and in cases like the one i mentioned the max would be set to 99.9%-
So, both cases (100% Duty Cycle => DC) and (100% Duty Cycle => 99.9% Duty Cycle) seem ok for different circuits, my question is...
Is there any standard about this, maybe a convention or rule regarding PWM outputs specifications?
When an engineer refers to 100% Duty Cycle, does he mean one or the other?