Well I already asked some about this but now my doubts have evolved, hehe.
So, here is the thing.
If using a CV PSU in a parallel connection, V would be same and Amps would split equally between units connected right? if units are all the same.
If so, my doubts are these:
If units to be connected push 50,5V when driven at 1,15A, then, how would this PSU suit for the parallel connection:
Meanwell HLG-240H-48A
This PSU acts as CV as long as it doesn't reach current limit, once current limit is reached, it goes to CC mode. In CC mode, Voltage range is 24 - 48V. Current limit is 5A. Rated power is 240W.
In CV mode on the other hand, Current can be adjusted from 2,5A to 5A and voltage from 44,8V to 51,2V.
Units to be connected have a max current of 4120ma.
My idea is to use PSU in CV mode, adjusting Amps to 4,6A and volts to 50,5V.
So, given this config, if I connect 4 of these LED units to the PSU in parallel, those 4,6A should then be splitted en the 4 units and give 1,15A and the constant 50,5V to each? After having PSU adjusted to 4,6A and 50,5V through potentiometer??
Does this sound viable? Would current be split correctly? Do I need current limiting resistors? if so, how should I use them? What if I don't use them and just connect the 4 LED units in parallel directly to the PSU previously adjusted to 4,6A and 50,5V?
Any help will be much appreciated.