I need to find the magnitude of transfer function of the follwing two filters. I tried to do the calculation but I get two functions that seems to be incorrect. Here is what I found
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
$$G(f)=V_{out}/V_{in}=\frac{2 \pi f L R_p}{\sqrt{\left(R R_p-4 \pi ^2 c f^2 L R R_p\right)^2+4 \pi ^2 f^2 L^2 (R+R_p)^2}}$$
$$G(f)=V_{out}/V_{in}=\frac{R_p \sqrt{4 \pi ^2 c^2 f^2 R_s^2+\left(1-4 \pi ^2 c f^2 L\right)^2}}{\sqrt{4 \pi ^2 c^2 f^2 (R (R_p+R_s)+R_p R_s)^2+(R+R_p)^2 \left(1-4 \pi ^2 c f^2 L\right)^2}}$$
Are those the correct transfer functions of the two filters?
Edit : For circuit 2)
I found total impedance $$Z=R+\frac{1}{\frac{1}{\text{Rp}}+\frac{1}{-\frac{j}{2 \pi c f}+2 j \pi f L+\text{Rs}}}$$
I wrote the ratio
$$1/Z \cdot \frac{1}{\frac{1}{\text{Rp}}+\frac{1}{-\frac{j}{2 \pi c f}+2 j \pi f L+\text{Rs}}}=\frac{(Rp (-1 + 2 c f \pi (2 f L \pi - j Rs)))}{( Rp (-1 + 2 c f \pi (2 f L \pi - j Rs)) + R (-1 + 2 c f \pi (2 f L \pi - j (Rp + Rs))))}$$
Taking magnitude
$$\frac{\text{Rp} \sqrt{4 \pi ^2 c^2 f^2 \text{Rs}^2+\left(4 \pi ^2 c f^2 L-1\right)^2}}{\sqrt{\left(R \left(4 \pi ^2 c f^2 L-1\right)+\text{Rp} \left(4 \pi ^2 c f^2 L-1\right)\right)^2+(2 \pi c f R (-\text{Rp}-\text{Rs})-2 \pi c f \text{Rp} \text{Rs})^2}}$$
Which should be the same as above.
Nevertheless this does not seem right since, for resonance frequency the ratio is zero, while it should not be zero if \$R_s\neq 0\$.
Is there a simpler way to get the correct result?