Above is the picture of the oscillator for which I am trying to calculate the feedback factor of the oscillator at resonant frequency. The forward path gain is $$A=R_2/R_1$$.
I want to calculate the feedback factor to calculate the loop gain, so that I can derive the condition for oscillation, and set appropriate values of A.
So for analysis purpose I redrew like following:
So the feedback factor can be: $$\beta=V_{out} / V_{test}$$.
But given the values of capacitors, and inductor in the first diagram, and setting frequency at resonant frequency, I am getting an insanely low value of feedback factor (~10E-30). Clearly I am doing something wrong in the analysis phase.
Can someone be kind enough to guide me here. Is this the right way to calculate the feedback factor? For clarity purpose, I have not put the calculation steps here.
Also I will replace 741 with a very high speed Op-Amp during implementation level.