I am looking at this lithium ion battery from ebay for a project of mine. Its 12v and delivers 1-2A
I am using a female socket lead to power and gnd wires for the battery to connect to a breadboard.
I am assuming that the battery will deliver 1-2A and so im a bit scared that it might fry regular prototyping wires, and breadboards and resistors might heat up, will the battery spew out to much amperage and fry everything, is this true and if so what should i do to prevent it, voltage regs?
I am using several power thirsty components: 4 dc motors, arduino mega, 4 hc sr04s, an acceloremeter and 2 light sensors along with a servo motor. The battery should be sufficient for powering these components (let me know if im wrong) but im wondering that if each component requires different voltages should I use voltage regulator for all other components (they all require less) and then hook arduino straight to 12v separately?
Without going into all the numerical specs of each component and judging from the list, how much heat would be generated figuratively and is the battery a good source for the components im using?