I connected a 50 ohm function generator to an oscilloscope set to have an input impedance of 1 MOhm. I set the generator to 0.5Vpp and saw a 1Vpp signal on the oscilloscope. The generator display is set for a 50 ohm load, so this all makes sense so far.
Then, I switched the oscilloscope to 50 ohm impedance, and I was expecting to see a 0.5Vpp signal, but I got no output at all. The scope has 10:1 probes and the input is rated for < 5 Vrms at 50 ohms. The current through the generator would be 10 mApp for a 50 ohm load, which it should be able to handle. There is no external circuitry. Function generator is HP33120A and scope is RTM2034.
So the question is, why does setting the oscilloscope to 50 ohms completely kill my signal?