I am using flexible GSM Antenna for my application.I am sticking the antenna on top of my FR4 based PCB board as shown in the below figure. Note that the PCB, on top side (One towards antenna) has GSM module. So effectively, I am sticking the Antenna on top of the module itself with a simple DST acting as boundary between them. The antenna is connected to PCB via UFL connector through co-axial cable. I have some questions: 1. Does folding the PCB the way I have mentioned (In the middle) affect the performance due to any interference in the radiating arm?
Should I use rigid PCB antenna instead of flexible one? Are there any important factors I should consider here in making my design decision?
Does keeping the antenna on top of RF module itself with around 0.8 mm separation lead to destructive interference? If yes, how can I tune the physical placement of the antenna for least interference?
P.S - Here is the link to Antenna Datasheet