I have a problem i'm trying to get to the bottom of. I am basically trying to find the secondary line voltages of a three phase delta primary, with a six phase forked star connected secondary transformer. The link shows the configuration of the forked star connection, and the phasor diagram to aid it http://www.vias.org/matsch_capmag/img/matsch_caps_magnetics-936.png
My issue is that using the normal equation of root 3 x Vphase/n gives doesnt give me the line voltages for all 6 phases, and looking for line to line voltages I really dont know where to start and there isnt much documentation available on these systems. Any help would be appreciated for me to understand this.
If i had say 11kV primary line voltage (delta) with a turns ratio of 100:1, how would i work out the secondary line voltages of a 6 phase forked star configuration as shown in the link?
Thanks for any help in advance.