I've got a Raspberry Pi and I want to use it to measure the percentage of charge which a 6S LIPO battery pack has left which I then send to a server over the internet. I assumed there would be easy ready made sensors for this, but the closest things I found were
- this Sparkfun LiPo Fuel Gauge which I think is only for one cell LiPo batteries
- things like this HobbyKing battery monitor which I think only display the voltage and cannot output it using a I2C port.
After some more searching I found this Texas Instruments Gas Gauge and Battery Management Controller which seems to be able to read out 6 cell LiPo batteries and output the charge over I2C.
So I wonder three things:
- Am I missing or overlooking something? Isn't there an easy way to measure the percentage of my battery pack from a Raspberry Pi? Aren't there any ready made boards with example code (preferably Python)? I suppose I'm not the first one wanting to do this..
- If the answer to 1 is "No" I guess I need to build it myself; am I correct that the TI thing I found is something I can use to achieve what I want?
- I'm a programmer, but an early beginner in electronics. Considering this, how hard is it to use the TI chip to achieve what I want?
Note that I don't need an exact figure. An approximation would be fine.
All tips are welcome!