This is my first project and I am trying to read the temperature readings from a DHT22 sensor using a STM32F401RE-NUCLEO board.
My code is failing at reading the input from the DHT22 sensor when I use the CCR1 command. I have verified my circuit is working as I previously tested it using the MBED compiler.
I set up the timer to use TIM_CHANNEL_1 and TIM3 instance, which according to the STM32CubeMX GUI corresponds to STM32 pin PA6.
My DHT22 structure looks like the following:
typedef struct{
uint8_t bitsRX[5];
float temp;
float hum;
uint8_t crcErrorFlag;
DHT22_STATE state;
TIM_HandleTypeDef timHandle;
TIM_IC_InitTypeDef timICHandle;
uint32_t timChannel;
uint16_t gpioPin;
GPIO_TypeDef* gpioPort;
int bitPos;
IRQn_Type timerIRQn;
uint32_t gpioAlternateFunction;
uint16_t lastVal;
void (*errorCallback)(DHT22_RESULT);
I set up my DHT object as the following:
dht.gpioPin = GPIO_PIN_6;
dht.gpioPort = GPIOA;
dht.timChannel = TIM_CHANNEL_1;
dht.gpioAlternateFunction = GPIO_AF2_TIM3;
dht.timHandle.Instance = TIM3;
I am running the following command to try and capture the value:
uint16_t val = HAL_TIM_ReadCapturedValue(&dht->timHandle, dht->timChannel);
Where the function is defined as the following (snipped off the later parts since I only care about channel 1):
uint32_t HAL_TIM_ReadCapturedValue(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim, uint32_t Channel)
uint32_t tmpreg = 0U;
switch (Channel)
/* Check the parameters */
/* Return the capture 1 value */
tmpreg = htim->Instance->CCR1; // This line is giving me the problem
The tmpreg = htim->Instance->CCR1 is always returning 0.
Any solutions or pointers that may help me?