I am brand new to PCB design, so far all i've made a simply 555 timer circuit with an led, a few resistors, a capacitor and a 555 timer and got it printed by OSHpark.
That was my first experience getting a board printed and with pcb design and i used it as warm up.
I am trying to design a PCB breakout board for this, the xs3868 mega-cheap chinese knock off bluetooth module. Here is the footprint, in case its not clear i only want to design footprints for the tiny squares on the upper and lower sides, the center area is just other junk on the board.
I was wondering if there was any advice for creating this. Can i use one of the footprint wizards or would these types of pads not really work for that?
Thanks for the advice!
P.S. I am pretty sure these are called crenellated pads but i have heard others call them castellated pads, so i just put both in the title.