I'm having difficulty in deciding about implementing an amplifier and whether I need it at all for a strain gauge. I never dealt with such situation before and would be very glad to have your opinions.
I will have the following strain_gauges: http://bridgetest.com/wp-content/uploads/ST350-Operations-Manual-v2.2.pdf
Here what I found so far as an amplifier topology: http://www.linear.com/solutions/1183 In my case the output of the straingauge will be very low; in the order of 1mV.
But there is a possibility I might use this device: http://www.microstrain.com/wireless/v-link-200 Im not so familiar with terminology in datasheet much.
Do you think I would still need to implement the LT’s strain gauge amplifier if I buy this wireless device for these straingauges of 1mV level variation? I was wondering would noise be a problem at this signal level if I don't amplify.