I did a bit of a search in the forum but despite there being a few related topics related I couldn't find the specific answer for this question.
Using a 50Mz scope I connected the probe to an FPGA output pin where there's an output of a 3.3Vp@25MHz square wave signal. I did make sure to connect the grounds as short as possible and close to that clock signal.
Using 1x and 10x scope probe options I got the following results:
Well, for the 1x I think that I'm getting attenuation given by the low pass filter of the 50MHz scope for a 25MHz signal, and that could explain as well why the signal is not square and the amplitude is lower...
But the part I don't understand is the result of the 10x option: why is that ringing happening? And why is it so different to the 1x?
Obviously that overshooting is causing that the signal to increase the amplitude to 5.39Vp...