I created a 4-bit CPU in latest version of Quartus. Now I wonder which files are necessary if I want to put the files in source control? I understand that bdf, sof and qpf files should be versioned. Do I need to version the qsf, qwf and/or the files in /db
? The repository is github.com/montao/opencpu
$ tree
├── alu1bit.bdf
├── alu1bit.sof
├── alu4bit.bdf
├── alu4bit.sof
├── db
│ ├── system.db_info
│ └── system.sld_design_entry.sci
├── decoder2to4.bdf
├── decoder2to4.sof
├── fulladder.bdf
├── fulladder.sof
├── light.bdf
├── light.sof
├── mux4to1.bdf
├── mux4to1.sof
├── README.md
├── system.bdf
├── system.qpf
├── system.qsf
├── system.qws
└── system.sof
1 directory, 20 files