The schematic below show a photodiode TIA circuit, and i tested by using an led as a light source, and by connecting the PCB to the osscilloscope using the bnc connector to see the response of the circuit to the light, i imported this data in matlab to make some analysis on it.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
the figure below shows the output i got, which shows the falling edge and i would like to analyse this data to obtain the rise time(maybe by mirroring the output signal) and fall time also the bandwidth, and until now i have no idea how this can be done using matlab, so if anyone can help me with that, it will be great.
I was able to construct the whole pulse from the data i have and you can see it in the figure what i would like to get is the bode plot so i can determine the 3dB frequency using matlab, so if anyone can help with that i will appreciate it