My trusty electric fly-zapper broke, so I opened it up to have a look in case it was something simple. I have to say I was a little surprised by what I found inside: the capacitor reads 473K, meaning the capacitance is 47nF (I was able to confirm this with my multimeter).
As the charged voltage of the fly-zapper is about 2.5kV, that gives a total charge of around 120uC. I'm surprised this is so high - as electrical regulations usually say anything above 45uC can be dangerous (see, for instance, IEC 61010-1).
My question is: how is it possible this got through the regulations? Surely as it's almost 3-times the safe charge for a capacitive discharge it should be considered dangerous?
PS: this particular fly-zapper (The Executioner) doesn't have a protective 3-layer grill like some: it's pretty easy to touch the live terminals and it just feels like a static shock.