I have installation with Controllino mini, it's essentially an ATmega328, and with 6 LDRs and 6 lasers, creating laser rays/barriers.
The system acts as a lasers labyrinth for entertainment purposes, and it's working for approximately a year. One of the LDR's - just generic one you can buy in every electronics component shop, stopped working as it should. Meaning - it outputs constant voltage no matter what are the light conditions. The installation of the sensor consists of +12V input on one pole, and connection to the ATmega328 based PLC analog input on the another pole with a 10K resistor to GND.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
After taking it apart, the measured resistance on the LDR was constant (don't remember the exact value) and not reacting to different light conditions. I did replace this sensor, but after a week or so, the same problem occurred again.
This, and the fact that it was working for a year without issues, made me believe there might be external factor affecting it/ taking it out of order.
Why did the LDR or circuit fail after a long period of time?
s a 5v@25ma red dot 650 nM Laser. All sensors/LDR
s are working for more then a year, without issues. Only this one stopped working normally after 12 months of operation. \$\endgroup\$