While researching 5G, I came across massive MIMO. Thing is to understand massive MIMO, I need to understand MIMO, which I am somewhat confused about.
First thing I'm confused about is the spatial multiplexing. I understand the base station can send two signals with the same frequency at the same time in multiple different directions and they won't interfere because they take different paths, but how do they not interfere when they reach the mobile? For instance, if my phone has two antennas, my phone is pretty small so how won't the signal interfere?
Under that question is another question. I read some stuff about signal vectors being orthogonal and such, but I have no idea what that means. What are the vectors? How are they orthogonal? Also don't understand the matrix \$H\$ or \$H^{-1}\$ is that's used to compute the CSI using pilot signals, very confused about all the equations I see.
Finally I'm kind of confused as to how the capacity is increased in MU-MIMO. Let's say I have 2 antennas at the base station and two users. Let's say transmitting each bit takes 1 millisecond. If I have 8 bits to transmit to each user, then using MIMO it will take me 4 milliseconds to transmit the data to user 1 (since each antenna sends 4 bits) and 4 milliseconds to transmit the data to user 2, so a total of 8 milliseconds. On the other hand, if I dedicated 1 antenna for user 1 and 1 antenna for user 2, it would still take me 8 milliseconds to transmit the data for both, and that's better because user 2 doesn't have to wait... so where is the increase?
Do you guys know any books or articles that explain massive MIMO comprehensively but also very easy to understand? Most of the stuff I read is very confusing. I'm only an undergrad ECE student, I have a hard time making sense of academic papers published about this topic.
Hope this is the right site to post these questions. Sorry if anything is not clear, I'll try to clear things up, and thanks in advance.