Rather than using an Ethernet magnetics component, is it possible / reasonable to simply use individual isolating transformers?
Inside the magnetics component, it's clearly made up of individual transformers. Is there some reason that people always seem to get these as a single package, rather than using them discretely?
What I'd like to do is to get rid of the large plastic casing, and try to save a little precious space on my stupidly tight PCB.
After a lot of searching, I think I have found a suitable transformer: Wideband Transformer with 2 Windings and Tap.
- Turns ratio 1:1:1
- 3dB Band Limits (MHz) : 4.5 - 1000
- Loss at 20 MHz (dB) max : 0.7
Just discovered that you can buy those from Mouser, and they are very expensive!