In his way-cool pocket gameboy video, Sprite_TM shows a circuit design that lets a user power on his circuit with a button, where the ESP32 can later shut itself off. I'm trying to understand what all of the passives are for.
The key schematic is here:
I see that when the user presses the button, PWREN rises and turns on his voltage regulator shown below. When the MCU boots, it asserts GPIO on pin 102 to HIGH to keep the power on after the user has released the switch. When the MCU is ready to shut down, pin 102 is placed LOW.
The question is what is going on with pin 1032? I think this is a sense pin that lets the MCU see the button press of the power switch while the MCU is active. But why have the additional 10K resistor in series? And why the 1K resistor between VBAT and the switch? Both of these would seem to be unnecessary with the 10K pull-down but clearly there must be a reason for them.
Thanks for helping me understand so I can recreate such behavior in my own designs.