I am using two MOSFETs (IXFB210N30P3) at about 100kHz (with different duty cycles) to split current from a 100-200V rectifier into three separate coils. This is a very rough schematic of (one branch of) the circuit (apologies for the diagram, I'm in no way an electrical engineer), where the box is actually a PWM controller putting 15V across the gate at 100kHz.
If the diagram isn't clear, here is a hand-drawn version with the details of the FET driver. The capacitor across the FET is supposed to be a snubber circuit, but I'm not sure if I need a smaller capacitor or a resistor in series to actually work. Either way, with even just a few volts across the coil (the 1 ohm, 6 mH component), I start seeing huge voltage spikes at the MOSFET gate
which I haven't been able to remove. I imagine this has something to do with the enormous inductance of the coil, but I've tried a number of filters and diodes with little success. I'm wondering if someone could explain this to me, and potentially recommend a solution. I have ferrite beads on just about every component, and a few low pass RC filters now, but the voltage spikes are still there. What value resistors and capacitors should I have on the snubber circuit across the FET? The diode and FET are quite large, so potentially they're just too slow for the high-frequency switching.
For reference, here is what the signal looks like for very small voltage across the coil, where yellow is voltage at the gate, cyan is the voltage at the drain, and purple is at the source.