I am going to design power drivers for a high power LED that is capable of high currents (up to several amps). I am using a power MOSFET for fast switching. I have designed a PCB for this circuit, but I have some problems with it.
I connected a dimmer circuit with the pcb. When I give 5V to the circuit the LED doesn't glow. I can check voltage switching between 5V at the gate of mosfet but there are also little voltages switching at drain and source and mosfet gets hot after some time.
Can anyone tell me the reason why there is no current at load, that is, why the LED doesn't light? Why is there some voltage at the drain and source of the mosfet, and why does it get hot very quickly?
Vcc=5 V, Vs=12 V, LD1=ordinary LED.
Datasheets: MOSFET, MOSFET driver.
I have removed the diode from the circuit but very low voltage is present there on the output that cannot drive my led. I am facing the same problem. the supply voltage is vcc=10V and Vs= 3V. and the resistor r1 is 80 ohm. can anyone tell me what could be the problem...