I am new to embedded development, so please bear with me.
I have to interface a TFT display(ILI9341) with PIC18F452, it does not have any controller chip, I want to run a simulation with Proteus before getting the hands dirty with hardware. I am using mikroC PRO for coding PIC controller and trying to use the inbuilt library provided by mikroC for TFT (https://download.mikroe.com/documents/compilers/mikroc/pic/help/tft_library.htm) but I am not able to use the library and the hardware connections at end of the page does not help in how to connect pins to microcontroller.
So I want to ask:
1)Is mikroC good enough for interfacing a touchscreen and taking input from the user or should I use MPLAB-X.
2)How can I connect the pins to PIC controller, I have read the datasheet but I am not able to figure out should I use SPI or 8-bit bus interface and where the pins should be connected.