I designed a capacitor voltage divider for the purpose of measuring the voltage step up of a resonator. Before I measure the voltage step up I wanted to measure the voltage divider ratio to ensure it matches the theory.
My Circuit and Theory Result
(LTSpice Parameters: Vin = Sinewave,5Vpp,@ 40MHz)
Theory $$V_{out}=\bigg(\frac{C_1}{C_1+C_3}\bigg)\cdot V_{in}= \frac{V_{in}}{V_{out}} =~ 76$$
Physical Measurement
- Signal generator parameters
(Sinewave, 5Vpp, 40MHz)
- Measured output with Oscilloscope (Input Impedance = \$10M\Omega, 13pF\$)
- Result: \$V_{in}=5V, V_{out}=0.2V\$. Hence \$\frac{V_{in}}{V_{out}}= 25\qquad\$ [\$32\%\$ off!]
Question: Why is my measurement of the output voltage of my capacitor voltage divider not matching the theory? Is there some parasitic capacitance or some problem with my measurement technique that I am not taking into account? Thanks for the help.