I've been searching for a very-small package op-amp and not having much luck. LTxxxxxx (edited out) would be ideal however the slew rate is just too low. Is there a way of controlling/increasing slew rate using external components?
The op-amp is used to be used as a voltage follower for 10kHz signal.
Edit: I have intentionally given little information with regards to what I am after as I have looked up many different devices that meet my specification in slightly larger packages. While doing this search I got side tracked with the possibility of increasing slew rates, but could not find much information so I posed the question here. Sorry for any confusion.
I am not asking for suggestions of higher slew rate op-amps. I was not thinking the particular op-amp I referenced should be higher slew rate. I edited out the component name because a fellow SE'r suggested specific components may not be allowed (hence LTxxxx)