I'm getting an incorrect and inconsisten gain from an AD623 instrument amplifier. The datasheet states that RG = 100 kΩ/(G − 1) where RG is the resistor between pins 1 and 8 and G is gain. My R3 is 268ohm which should provide a gain of 374.
R2 is a current shunt. R1 and R4 are power resistors.
Resistor values and voltage values are as measured.
- Using R1 I'm measuring 4.2mV across the shunt (R2) and reading 0.52V on the meter. Gain of 123.8. Expected 1.57V.
- Using R4 I'm measuring 6.35mV across the shunt (R2) and reading 1.175V on the meter. Gain of 185. Expected 2.37V.
I've considered:
- Are the voltages beyond the rails. No, rail voltage is 5V which I've measured at 5V.
- Do I have enough current into pins 2 and 3 - I don't think i'm doing anything that would limit the current.
- The datasheet shows a settling time of a few hundred microseconds. My results are stable and incorrect so I don't think this is the issue.
- Is my voltage too small. I can't find anything in the datasheet that would indicate this is a problem.
- Is my chip damaged. I have two and they're both showing the same result (they could both be similarly damaged).
Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong?
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab