I want to power an MCU (ESP8266, 3.3V) and an ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04, requires >= 3.7V) using AA batteries. By using an efficient LDO (MCP1700T-3302E) and spending much time in deep sleep mode, the average current draw of the MCU itself stays below 0.1 mA. However, since the ultrasonic sensor seems to draw a (relatively high) quiescent current of around 1.5mA, I'd like to control it's VCC line by the ESP and turn it on only when needed. Doing this in a power efficient way seems to be done best using a MOSFET, maybe like in the following schematic?
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Does this plan make sense, what model would be optimal for M1 (especially considering the battery/low power context) and does the gate require an additional pull-down or series resistor?