I want to make potentiometer that goes to 0 to 100% ONLY if I start to open it from 50%.
That means, if I open it to 51%, it will report as 2%. if I open it at 75%, it will report as 50%.
In Arduino, I can make it like this
int val = analogRead(0);
if (val < 50)
val = 0;
val = map(analogRead(A0,51,100,0,100);
//okay that's stupid coding for sure.
How can I do this without arduino?
EDIT : I want to do it WITHOUT microcontroller. EDIT 2 : I want to do it as simple as possible, and if possible without using any IC.
is a voltage reading right? It converts it to a decimal value that represents a voltage range between 0 and 5 volts. \$\endgroup\$