
I have two modules

  1. counter: Output is a vector called error_count.
  2. lcd: Module to display the code on an LCD. Input includes clock and error_count.

Following snippet of the code is most relevant and attached below:

  1. Top level module:

    counter counter1 (..., error_count);
    lcd lcd1 (..., error_count);
  2. counter module:

    module counter (..., error_count);
    output reg [31:0] error_count = 0;
    ... //Update counter every clock cycle
  3. lcd module:

    module lcd (..., error_count);
    input [31:0] error_count;
    ... //error_count used to display on LCD

What is wrong with this code? The display just prints 0 as the output. Is there anything wrong with the way I am passing the the vector?

Additional Info: I am using the Xilinx Spartan 3E starter kit for testing this code. The LCD code is fine and I have tested it with local counter (which was reg[31:0]).

  • \$\begingroup\$ Sharing more of your code will get you better answers. There's nothing in your snippets that looks like a problem, but there's a hundred ways you could have a problem in code you haven't shared. \$\endgroup\$
    – The Photon
    Commented May 20, 2012 at 16:38

1 Answer 1


The code you showed has a few problems:

  • You don't show how error_count is declared in the top-level module. If error_count is just declared as wire error_count;, you only have a single bit of your counter connected between the counter module and the lcd module.

  • You don't show how the counter is updated in the counter module. You could have a bug there that results in the counter never updating. Since it is initialized to 0, you'd always have a 0 output from the counter module.

  • You don't show any clock input to the counter module. If clock is not connected, error_counter will never be updated.

  • You say that lcd has a clock input, but you don't show that it actually does, and you don't show any code where it matters.

  • You don't show how your clock is generated. If there's no clock, the counter won't updated.

  • You don't show the complete input and output ports to either module. With your coding style it's easy to connect a wrong input to a wrong port. I much prefer to intantiate modules with the syntax like

    counter counter1 ( .clk( clock ) , .error_count( error_count ) );

    With this style, the order of naming the in's and out's in the instantiation doesn't matter.

  • You haven't shown any reset signal, but you probably have one. If the reset is stuck in the active state, probably the error_count won't ever increment.

  • \$\begingroup\$ wire error_count was the mistake \$\endgroup\$
    – Neel Mehta
    Commented May 21, 2012 at 8:41

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