So I have one detection circuit with LED that flashes continuously when something is detected (1-2 sec interval). That's a bit nerving while it happens when you drive, especially at night.
I don't have any option to view or modify the code, so it would be nice if I can "hack" this LED to glow continuously....can I do it somehow with some active components?
Tnx in advance
I don't have any schematics of this thing. It is a Sensor device that detects when a car is in your "blind spot". So it blinks slowly when something comes in the zone, and rapidly if you put your turn light that's basically a problem for a Cap while it will soften than all the impulses? right?
The LED is packed in a case where just two wires came out, so i need to look later onto the PCB to make it clear if it is with GND or Vcc regulated
And it is definitely a LED controlled with a micro controller