I've been working on a project to build a microphone in DIY after finishing my audio engineering internship, but it seems like my knowledge in electronic isn't good enough to fully understand what i'm doing here.
The microphone is working great after the build, but the constructor gave no informations on the PCB schematic and what they are intended to do in the circuit. I would like to know what both PCB are doing in just few words, any tips would be very helpfull as it is quite hard to find precise informations on microphone PCBs, especially for a frenchie!
https://i.sstatic.net/Tf03N.jpg PCB A
I have been told from an electronic store guy that they are intended to take the extremely small charge variation from the capsule and convert it to a voltage, but that is all the informations he gave me. I also believe this are originated from Schoeps circuit.
Any help would be great, i would really like to understand what's goind on in there!