I'm trying to use a www.sparkfun.com/products/13879 with one 3 wires load cell I gathered from an old scale, so I reproduced this schematic. However the reading is always the same. I use the code from a learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/load-cell-amplifier-hx711-breakout-hookup-guide#arduino-code BUT I do use read() (raw value from the HX711 instead of the user friendly and calibred value).
So I looked at the resistance of each wire (I have the red,black,white wires patterns) and sure it look like the pattern is right (black-red is 1k, black-white is 2k, red to black is 1k).
I looked at my wire, try to redo my wire and the result was the same. So maybe the load cell is broken.
So I tried to use a potentiometer instead (which also have the benefit to be more controlable), so I reproduced this schematic instead and same result, I always have the same value (8388607). (For each +Active I use a different potentiometer where the middle pin is the output (A- and A+); I tried to connect the potentiometer gnd to GND and try to let them unconnected.
I tried to unconnect the data lines from the HX711 and the value is a negative one meaning the chip should somehow work.
What can I look for or what could I try as a simpler test?