I am working on a personal project to make an remote oscilloscope using a PIC32 with wifi module for Android phones.
So far I have did a lot of things, like connecting the wifi module of the PIC32 to android also developing the base software for android.
I am now at a step to get ADC values from PIC32 and display them on the android. I am not sure how can I make this to work like a real scope.
For example, in the software I have set up a timer that depnding on user choice, can read the ADC value from the pic in time intervals of say 1 , 0.5, 0.1 and 0.01 seconds. So lets say the user has selected a TimeBase of 1 second, then the program will request the ADC value on 1 second intervals and connects this data points on the graph to form a wave signal. Is this same as what happening in real scopes?
I don't have a function generator or a real scope in my hands to check this out!
This is the user interface of the software I wrote for android:
So basically my question is, how should I treat the reading process of values out of the PIC32? Should I just stick to the timer in Java, or I should read as much as values possible and draw them on the screen? How should I handle this?!