I'm still pretty new with electronics and am working on my first multi-voltage circuit.
My circuit is powered by two A23 12V batteries in parallel. From this circuit, I want to power a short section of 12V LED lights (about 4 inches of these cuttable strips).
It will also power, in a parallel branch, an adafruit audio assembly, after a 5V voltage regulator. Here are the adafruit parts I'm using for the audio:
5V voltage regulator
Audio FX Mini Sound Board
Mono 2.5W Class D Audio Amplifier
Mono Enclosed Speaker - 3W 4 Ohm
The below schematic is my circuit essentially...
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
The 12V LEDs light up and work just fine.
The audio circuit powers up, illuminating the "power on" LED as expected.
However, when I close the trigger circuit on the sound board to actually play the sound, it makes a tiny scratch on the speaker and then the whole circuit just blinks out.
I know that the audio circuit itself is all configured properly. If I disconnect it from the 12V circuit and just connect it to three AA batteries, it plays perfectly.
https://youtu.be/VyevfLwVU6Q - this is a quick video of how the audio sounds (properly) on the simple 4.5V circuit
https://youtu.be/0y5xfyxhmo8 - this is what it is doing when connected (downstream from the voltage regulator) on the 12V circuit
(pardon the vertical video, my phone was horizontal, not sure why it recorded vertically)
The wiring diagrams I found online for hooking up voltage regulators all showed capacitors on each side of the regulator, but they all also said that the capacitors helped to normalize fluctuations in A/C current, which my circuit is D/C.
Any idea what I am doing wrong with the 12V circuit, and why triggering the sound effects blinks the whole circuit out?
If there's any other information needed to help, let me know and I'll do my best to answer.