I'm currently "using" my TENMA 217945, which is a decent soldering iron, I guess. The main problem is that I am absolutely horrible at soldering. I'm capable of doing through-hole stuff, but tinning wires is just a trainwreck and from an expert's point of view likely looks as if it was done with a flamethrower. I have a helping hand or whatever that is called, but it doesn't work all too well. I'm doing many things wrong.
(EDIT:) I know it can’t be good for soldering, because the tip is a charred black. I have a sponge, which came with my iron, but it doesn’t get it off. As an earlier responder noted, a new iron is good, but I don’t have a job and I don’t make an allowance, etc. Should I just invest into another tip, because solder won’t stick to the tip at all. Is there anything special I should do if I acquire a new tip?
I guess the most notable thing that I need help with is tinning wires. Thinking of how I tin wires makes me cringe and invokes a feeling of spontaneous regurgitation within the back of my throat. For example, only 10 minutes ago(The reason I have come here and am asking for help) I was attempting to tin the rather flimsy wires of a micro-servo motor, without my helping hands because they are at my dad's house and I'm at my mom's house, and I couldn't even tin the first wire without giving up on myself. They say that practice is the best type of learning, but if I don't have a clue as to how to tin, then what good is practicing bad practices. By the way, I have made an attempt to learn how to solder from the internet to no avail. Ironic that I'm coming here for help then. I'm not looking for an answer such as "turn on your soldering iron", something a bit more.
I expect to be redirected to 100 different pages and/or marked as a duplicate due to the simple nature of this question.
Thanks ahead of time, in the event that I am unable to respond.
(EDIT:) Thanks for all of the help! I understand that this community is supposed to answer questions, but I have been given answers like “There’s this thing called google” and “Have you heard of the internet?” before.