module dflipflop (data ,clk , reset ,q);// Code for Asynchronous Positive Edge triggered D flip flop
input data, clk, reset ;
output q;
reg q;
always @ ( posedge clk or negedge reset)
if (~reset) begin //what does this block of code mean?
q <= 1'b0 // particularly this line
end else begin
q <= data; // and this one
I am new to learning Verilog, and I have to learn the codes for the various types of flip-flops. However, I haven't been able to understand this one entirely and what it means.
For instance, as the D flip-flop is positive edge triggered, hence we write posedge
clock and it has an asynchronous reset input apart from the normal D input.
But, what I do not understand is the use of the <=
operator in the highlighted lines and what is being done there. Does it mean q
is being assigned a value less than zero? What does data variable refer to in the other line, and what exactly does the line mean as well?