I have a project where I would like to control a range of voltage outputs from a sensor signal. In this case, taking a signal that is 0-10 volts, and using some method to only allow the range of 4-6 volts to "pass" through. All voltages below 4 and above 6 would read as 0. Or in another case, for example, only allow voltages from -1 to 1 volts to "pass" through, while voltages -10 to -1 and 1 to 10 read as 0.
On top of that it would be beneficial to be able to lower that range by using some type of voltage divider with a potentiometer, for example, making the range 4.5 to 5.5 volts.
The goal is to have an adjustable deadband. Normally when the sensor reads 5V, there is no actuation. I want to make it so I can control the no actuation range, i.e. from 4-6 volts there is no actuation. I want to do this with just analog circuitry.
I have thought of zener diodes and tried different op-amp scenarios but have not discovered anything yet.