I am trying to design a PCB which will make use of the ATmega324PB microcontroller [Datasheet here]. I have previously worked with smaller AVR chips such as the ATmega168PB, and programmed them through the ISP pins using an AVR Pocket Programmer.
- This is the first microcontroller I've used with multiple SPI channels (MOSI0 and MOSI1 etc.). The datasheet makes no mention of how to approach this when performing In-System Programming, am I right in assuming that channel 0 (i.e SCK0, MISO0, MOSI0) should be used for this? The only real differential I can find between them is in the block diagram in Figure 4-1 (pg 13 of the datasheet).
- The AVRDUDE tool used by the Pocket Programmer has not been updated in some time and does not list this this specific IC as supported (though it has the 324P and 324PA listed). I'm considering upgrading to an STK500 as Atmel Studio 7 lists it as a supported device for the micro, are there any issues here?