I continued my experiments with USI hardware of ATtiny45/85 and I could find
the solution for the usage of USIBR.(I have to note it that Microchip Help desk's answer was basically wrong and incomplete.)
My answer consists of two parts, in the first part I show my analysis of USI hw and in the second part I explicitly give four
equivalent examples for three wire (3w) slave prg which uses USIBR to
receive bytes well.
The purpose of the analysis is to discover the true operation of USIBR because it isn't documented in the mcu's data sheet.
The physical environment was unchanged. (The 3w master prg in C on a PC under Linux and it communicates via parallel port of PC with ATtiny45/85. Pls. see detailed pin connection between D-Sub25 and 4 pins of chip and resistors in the comment of C source of master.)
There are two entities of analysis: MASTER3W_DUMP.C master prg on the PC and the slave USI_CHK_AGENT.ASM on the mcu. And the DUMP_OUT of master gives the result to us on the screen.
First MASTER3W_DUMP.C sends two bytes (0xca, 0x75) to slave agent as test material and agent saves all hardware values of USI hw in triplet of bytes into the SRAM of mcu after every edge of CK (both falling and rising edge).
A triplet occupies the fallowing data:
- byte: USIDR
- byte: USIBR
After the 32 edges finished (two test bytes were sent) the agent starts to send back these recorded triplets from the SRAM to the master (99 bytes) and master prints them on the screen in a human format (see DUMP_OUT).
Before you start to interpret these two prgs with their output, you
should refresh some facts from 2586Q–AVR–08/2013 data sheet of ATtiny25/45/85 in the USI chapter.
The key facts what needs to be watched:
- USIDR copied into the USIBR only when USICNT[3:0] has been overflowed.
- USICNT[3:0] has been increased by every edge of CK of master.
(both falling and rising edge).
- USIDR has been shifted only one kind of edge of CK of master that was
chosen in USICR. (only falling or only rising edge).
Now it has to be clear why I initiated USICNT[3:0] with 0xd after its every overflow. Because I wanted to see more sampling of USIDR into USIBR during 32 edges. And I wanted to see how the sampling of USIDR into USIBR was going when USICNT[3:0] has been overflowed at different edge of CK of master (that is why an odd number was chosen).
MASTER3W_DUMP.C LSz 2018.Jan.05
This prg acts as 3wire master for a slave prg in
ATtiny45 mcu via parallel port of PC.
First it sends two bytes (0xca, 0x75) to slave
and slave saves all hardware values of USI in
triplet of bytes into the SRAM after every 32=2*16
edge of CK (both falling and rising).
Stucture of this triplet is:
1. byte: (CK=PB2, DI=MOSI=PB0, DO=MISO=PB1, USIOIF, USICNT[3:0])
2. byte: USIDR
3. byte: USIBR
After this the master receives 1+32 triplets and
prints them on the screen in a human format.
Pin connection between PC and ATtiny45:
PC Parallel port
D-Sub DB-25 Female ATtiny45
PORT.D0 (pin2) --> 1kOhm --> PB0 (pin5) (MOSI)
PORT.D1 (pin3) --> 1kOhm --> PB2 (pin7) (SCK)
(PORT+1).D6 (pin10) <-- 1kOhm <-- PB1 (pin6) MISO
PORT.D2 (pin4) --> 1kOhm --> PB5 (pin1) ~RST
GND (pin25) -------------------GND (pin4)
All fuse remained in their original default mode.
Power is 5V (from a USB plug).
And inside calibrated oscillator was used
in default mode (8MHz and div8) so
1usec/one instruction (if it is one cycle).
gcc -O0 master3w.c -o master3w -lrt
If you want to use this prg by a normal user:
chown root:laci three_wire_test && chmod +s three_wire_test
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/io.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define PORT 0x378 // Others: 0x278 0x3bc
// Constants for very slow clock
#define W100 100000 // 100ms reset
#define W1 1000 // 1ms half ck
#define W10 10000 // 10ms after a byte transfer
// Constants for test
#define DS 99 // Dump size
#define B1 0xca // First test byte
#define B2 0x75 // Second test byte
void wait_u(int);
int snd_rec_byte(int);
int main(){
int i, rec, rec2, rec3;
// Get permission for direct I/O under Linux:
if(ioperm(PORT,2,1)){printf("Couldn't open parallel port 0x%x\n", PORT); exit(1);}
// Reset pulse on ~RST pin of ATtiny45 while holding MOSI, SCK in Low
// and waiting for starting slave prg in mcu befor
// this could send bytes to the slave
outb(0, PORT); wait_u(W100); //~RST=L, MOSI=L, SCK=L Tiny45 in reset state
outb(4, PORT); //~RST=H, MOSI=L, SCK=L Tiny45 do startup
wait_u(W100); //This master wait for finsh sturtup of Tiny45
printf("Send and receive two bytes\n");
printf("Rec:%02x Snt:%02x\n", snd_rec_byte(B1), B1);
printf("Rec:%02x Snt:%02x\n", snd_rec_byte(B2), B2);
printf("Dump %d triplets from SRAM:\n", DS/3);
printf("Edge CK(PB2) DI(PB0) DO(PB1) usiOIF usiCNT usiDR usiBR\n");
for(i=0; i<DS/3; i++){
rec=snd_rec_byte(0)&0xff; rec2=snd_rec_byte(0)&0xff; rec3=snd_rec_byte(0)&0xff;
printf("%2d. %01d%s%01d%s%01d%s%01d%s%01x%s%02x%s%02x %s\n", i,\
rec&0x80?1:0, rec&0x80?" - - - ":" ",\
rec&0x40?1:0, rec&0x80?" - - - ":" ",\
rec&0x20?1:0, rec&0x80?" - - - ":" ",\
rec&0x10?1:0, rec&0x80?" - - - ":" ",\
rec&0xf, rec&0x80?" - - - ":" ",\
rec2, rec&0x80?" - - - ":" ", rec3, rec&0x10?(rec2==rec3?"Good":"Wrong"):"");}
} //End of main
// One byte send & receive
int snd_rec_byte(int s){ // PORT.D2=~RST PORT.D1=SCK PORT.D0=MOSI (PORT+1).D6=MISO
int r, i;
for(r=i=0 ; i<8; i++, s<<=1){ // 8 bit shifting while ~RST pin holding in H
outb((s&0x80?5:4), PORT); wait_u(W1); // holding SCK=L, MOSI=MSB of s; wait 1ms
outb((s&0x80?7:6), PORT); wait_u(W1); // rise SCK=H, holding MOSI; wait 1ms
r<<=1; if(inb(PORT+1)&0x40)r|=1; // MISO shifted into r, outputs unchanged
outb((s&0x80?5:4), PORT); wait_u(W1);} // fall SCK=L, HOLDING MOSI, wait 1ms
wait_u(W10); return(r); // waiting 10ms after the byte transfer
} //End of fnc
void wait_u(int c){ // Delay minimum c usec
struct timeval req, req2;
gettimeofday (&req, NULL);
gettimeofday (&req2, NULL);
if((req2.tv_sec-req.tv_sec)*1000000+req2.tv_usec-req.tv_usec >= c)return;}
} //End of func
; USI_CHK_AGENT.ASM by Laszlo SZILAGYI 2018.Jan.05
; USI is in three wire and slave mode with ext CK.
; I want to see exactly how registers of USI behave
; after every edge of CK mainly of USIBR.
; Therefore the goal of this prg is to display
; USICNT[3:0] after every edge of CK
; (both falling and rising).
; This prg puts a triplet into the 'dmp' array
; at every rising and falling edge of CK.
; The second byte is USIDR and third is USIBR
; and the bits of first byte (from MSB to LSB) is:
; CK, DI, DO, USIOIF, USICNT[3:0] in the triplet.
; After the USICNT[3:0] overflowed it always
; puts 0xd into the USICNT[3:0] to force USIOIF
; to strobe USIBR at every third edge.
; USIBR gets new value only when the USICNT
; has been overflowed.
; I have chosen 3-edge sampling for the following reasons.
; We can observe a lot of sampling of USIDR into
; USIBR during 32 edges. And because 3 is an odd number
; the overflow of USIOIF will occure at two types of CK edge.
; In that case when the edge of CK causes shifting of USIDR
; (now the rising edge was choosen by USICR) the sampling
; will be good.
; In other case when the edge of CK doesn't cause shifting
; of USIDR (now it is the falling edge) the sampling will
; be wrong.
; The communication logically is half duplex between
; master and slave. In the first time the master sents
; two bytes pattern (e.g.:0xca, 0x75) to the slave.
; And slave puts the 1+32 triplets into dmp array at
; every edge of CK. After 32 edges the size of 'dmp'
; will be 3+32*3=99 bytes.
; In the second part of transfer the slave sents back
; these 99 bytes from the SRAM to the master and master
; prints them on the screen in a human format.
.include "/usr/share/avra/tn45def.inc"
; .device ATtiny45
.equ EDGE = 32 ; 16 rising + 16 falling edge for shift in 2 bytes
.equ CNT0 = 0xd ; pre init of USICNT[3:0]
.equ CNT1 = 0xd ; init of USICNT[3:0] at every overflow of USICNT
.equ UDR0 = 0x95 ; initial number in USIDR
.equ Z = sreg_z
.equ I = sreg_i
.org sram_start
dmp: .byte 3+3*EDGE ; 3+32*3=99 bytes : three bytes for every edge
; dmp is an array of 3 bytes:
; 1/ b7=CK=PB2, b6=DI=PB0, b5=DO=PB1, b4=USIOIF, b[3:0]=USICNT[3:0]
; 2/ usidr
; 3/ usibr
; and x-> dmp
.def a = r16 ;tmp1
.def b = r17 ;tmp2
.def prd = r18 ;num of edge, [32:1]
.MACRO wldi ; e.g.: wldi x, dmp
ldi @0l, low(@1) ; ldi xl, low(dmp)
ldi @0h, high(@1) ; ldi xh, high(dmp)
.MACRO outi ; e.g.: outi usidr, 0x00 ; using "a=r16"
ldi a, @1 ; ldi a, 0x00
out @0, a ; out usidr, a
.MACRO btmv ; e.g.: btmv b, 6, pinb0 ; using "a=r16"
bst a, @2 ; bst a, pinb0
bld @0, @1 ; bld b, 6
.org 0x0000 ;IT vectors not used
bclr I ;disable IT
outi spl, low(ramend) ;sp=ramend
outi sph, high(ramend)
outi usicr, 1<<usiwm0 | 1<<usics1 ;set USI to three wire as slave, rising ck, ext ck
outi usidr, UDR0 ;init USIDR
outi ddrb, 1<<ddb1 ;PB1(MISO) is output, all other is input, no pull-up
wldi x, dmp ; x-> dmp
ldi prd, EDGE ; num of edge [32:1]
outi usisr, CNT0 ; pre init USICNT[3:0]
rcall dump ; dump of first triplet
cyc0: ; Start cycle of dumping +32 triplet
in b, pinb ; read old_pinb2
wait_alt: ; Wait for alter of pinb2
in a, pinb ; read new_pinb2 again
eor a, b ; new_pinb2^=old_pinb2
andi a, 1<<pinb2 ; mask pinb2
brbs Z, wait_alt ; if(new_pinb2!=old_pinb2)goto wait_alt
rcall dump ; dump of next triplet after any edge
dec prd ; dec num of edge
brbc Z, cyc0 ; do while prd>0
; End dumping cycle and Start sending 99 bytes to master
outi usisr, 0x40 ; clear USIOIF and USICNT
wldi x, dmp ; reinit x-> dmp
ldi b, 3+3*EDGE ; b=99 send 99=3+3*32 byte to the master
snd: ; to display them on the screen
ld a, x+
out usidr, a ; send [x+]
sbi usisr, usioif ; clear usioif
sbis usisr, usioif
rjmp wtfb ; wait for USIOIF
dec b ; dec byte counter
brbc Z, snd ; do while b>0
rjmp end_main ; do nothing
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; end main
dump: ;;;; DUMP SUBROUTINE ;;;; ; x-->dmp
; [x+]= b7=CK=PB2, b6=DI=PB0, b5=DO=PB1, b4=USIOIF, b[3:0]=USICNT[3:0]
; [x+]= usidr
; [x+]= usibr
in a, usisr ; read USISR
ldi b, CNT1 ; prepar b with CNT1
sbrc a, usioif ; skip if no ovf
out usisr, b ; init USICNT[3:0] again after ovf
eor b, b ; clr b for collecting bits
btmv b, 4, usioif ; b4=USIOIF
andi a, 0x0f ; clr high nibble
or b, a ; b[3:0]=USICNT[3:0]
in a, pinb ; chek pins
btmv b, 5, pinb1 ; b5=pinb1=DO=MISO
btmv b, 6, pinb0 ; b6=pinb0=DI=MOSI
btmv b, 7, pinb2 ; b7=pinb2=CK
st x+, b ; [x+]=(CK, DI, DO, USIOIF, USICNT[3:0])
in a, usidr
st x+, a ; [x+]=usidr
in a, usibr
st x+, a ; [x+]=usibr
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; end dump
By observing the DUMP_OUT and tracking the values of DI,DO,OIF,CNT,USIDR,USIBR while two test bytes are shifting into USIDR.
We can establish these 3 facts:
1/ All data are good as they were expected except only USIBR. It is some times good that is equal with USIDR and some times wrong that is about double of USIDR at sampling moment. (At edges when there weren't overflow of USCNT[3:0] the USIBR was unchanged as we expect it.)
2/ If the overflow of USICNT[3:0] happened at rising edge of CK, the USIBR was equal with USIDR, these lines were marked as "Good" by master prg. And in opposite case when the overflow happened at falling edge then the value of USIBR was wrong, these lines were marked as "Wrong".
3/ USIDR was shifted at every rising edge because now the rising edge was chosen by USICR for shifting.
$ ./master3w_dump
Send and receive two bytes
Rec:95 Snt:ca
Rec:ca Snt:75
Dump 33 triplets from SRAM:
Edge CK(PB2) DI(PB0) DO(PB1) usiOIF usiCNT usiDR usiBR
0. 0 0 1 0 d 95 00
1. 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - e - - - 2b - - - 00
2. 0 1 0 0 f 2b 00
3. 1 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - 57 - - - 57 Good
4. 0 1 0 0 e 57 57
5. 1 - - - 0 - - - 0 - - - 0 - - - f - - - ae - - - 57
6. 0 0 1 1 0 ae 5c Wrong
7. 1 - - - 0 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - e - - - 5c - - - 5c
8. 0 0 0 0 f 5c 5c
9. 1 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - b9 - - - b9 Good
10. 0 1 1 0 e b9 b9
11. 1 - - - 0 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - f - - - 72 - - - b9
12. 0 0 0 1 0 72 e4 Wrong
13. 1 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - 0 - - - e - - - e5 - - - e4
14. 0 1 1 0 f e5 e4
15. 1 - - - 0 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - ca - - - ca Good
16. 0 0 1 0 e ca ca
17. 1 - - - 0 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - f - - - 94 - - - ca
18. 0 0 1 1 0 94 28 Wrong
19. 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - e - - - 29 - - - 28
20. 0 1 0 0 f 29 28
21. 1 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - 53 - - - 53 Good
22. 0 1 0 0 e 53 53
23. 1 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - 0 - - - f - - - a7 - - - 53
24. 0 1 1 1 0 a7 4f Wrong
25. 1 - - - 0 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - e - - - 4e - - - 4f
26. 0 0 0 0 f 4e 4f
27. 1 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - 9d - - - 9d Good
28. 0 1 1 0 e 9d 9d
29. 1 - - - 0 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - f - - - 3a - - - 9d
30. 0 0 0 1 0 3a 74 Wrong
31. 1 - - - 1 - - - 0 - - - 0 - - - e - - - 75 - - - 74
32. 0 1 0 0 f 75 74
Now the secret life of USIBR has been turned out and we can realize that it was absolutely undocumented in the 2586Q–AVR–08/2013 data sheet of ATtiny25/45/85 until now.
From the above 3 facts of experiment we can conclude the base theory of usage of USIBR.
The USIDR will be sampled well into USIBR if and only if the
overflowing of USICNT[3:0] and shifting of USIDR happening at the same
edge of CK of master.
Unfortunately these informations are missing from mcu's data sheet in USI chapter. They haven't shown any usage of USIBR, (but e.g.: their SPI Master Operation Example at page 110 has a mistake, too).
Now I've finished the analysis of side effect of USIBR and now I give
four equivalent exact examples of usage of USIBR. These are
understandable without having to realize all details from analysis
part. And these explicit examples will also demonstrate well the
undocumented basic theory of usage of USIBR.
Now let's focus on the next newer two source.
Basically our 3w slave ECHO_3WSLV.ASM only reads the byte from USIBR and sends it back to its complement when USIOIE == 1.
The MASTER3W.C is a very simple 3w master, it sends series of byte 0, 1, 2 ...
to 3w slave ECHO_3WSLV.ASM and the master compares the complement of received byte with the one that was sent previously.
We can start master with 'l' or 'h' parameter:
./master3w l
./master3w h
This parameter will determine what will be the inactive initial state of CK of master.
Now let's consider slave ECHO_3WSLV.ASM, this source has four kinds of output of its compilation, according to how MODE and PHASE symbols were uncommented. Pls. see the source.
So if we use LAW level as initial state of CK of master.
./master3w l
We need to compile A2 or B1 case:
A2 case: 3wire, slave, ext CK, shifting by rising edge, USISR=0x41
.equ MODE = 1<<usiwm0 | 1<< usics1
.equ PHASE = 1<< usioif | 1<< usicnt0
B1 case: 3wire, slave, ext CK, shifting by falling edge, USISR=0x40
.equ MODE = 1<<usiwm0 | 1<< usics1 | 1<< usics0
.equ PHASE = 1<< usioif
to yield the proper symbol definitions for the choosing of appropriate preinitial value of USICR and USISR.
The other two availabilities (A1, B2 with ./master3w h
) pls. see in comments at the end of the source ECHO_3WSLV.ASM and you can find their Intel-HEX results, too.
MASTER3W.C LSz 2018.Jan.05
Test of three wire between PC & ATtiny45
This prg acts as 3wire master for a slave prg in
ATtiny45 mcu via parallel port of PC.
It sends series of byte 0, 1, 2 ...
And it prints the complement of received and
that was sent in before.
The initial level of CK is deppend from the
starting parameter (l or h) of this prg.
Pin connection between PC and ATtiny45:
PC Parallel port
D-Sub DB-25 Female ATtiny45
PORT.D0 (pin2) --> 1kOhm --> PB0 (pin5) (MOSI)
PORT.D1 (pin3) --> 1kOhm --> PB2 (pin7) (SCK)
(PORT+1).D6 (pin10) <-- 1kOhm <-- PB1 (pin6) MISO
PORT.D2 (pin4) --> 1kOhm --> PB5 (pin1) ~RST
GND (pin25) -------------------GND (pin4)
All fuse remained in their original default mode.
Power is 5V (from a USB plug).
And inside calibrated oscillator was used
in default mode (8MHz and div8) so
1usec/one instruction (if it is one cycle).
gcc -O0 master3w.c -o master3w -lrt
If you want to use this prg by a normal user:
chown root:laci three_wire_test && chmod +s three_wire_test
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/io.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define PORT 0x378 // Others: 0x278 0x3bc
// Constants for very slow clock
#define W100 100000 // 100ms reset
#define W1 1000 // 1ms half ck
#define W10 10000 // 10ms after a byte transfer
void wait_u(int);
int phase, snd_rec_byte(int); int main(int, char **);
int main(int n, char **p){
int i, snt, snt_1, rec;
if(n!=2){printf("Usage: %s {h|l}\n", p[0]); exit(1);}
phase=p[1][0]=='h'?2:0 ;
// Get permission for direct I/O under Linux:
if(ioperm(PORT,2,1)){printf("Couldn't open parallel port 0x%x\n", PORT); exit(1);}
// Reset pulse on ~RST pin of ATtiny45 while holding MOSI, SCK in Low
// and waiting for starting slave prg in mcu befor
// this could send bytes to the slave
outb(0|phase, PORT); wait_u(W100); //~RST=L, MOSI=L, SCK=L|H Tiny45 in reset state
outb(4|phase, PORT); //~RST=H, MOSI=L, SCK=L|H Tiny45 do startup
wait_u(W100); // This master wait for finsh sturtup of Tiny45
// This main cycle will sent bytes and compare the complement of the received with
// that was sent previous. But first received will be drop.
for(snt_1=-1, snt=0; ;snt_1=snt, snt++, snt&=0xff){
rec=~snd_rec_byte(snt)&0xff; // send and receiv and get complement of received byte
if(snt_1!=-1)printf("~Received: %02x %s Previously sent: %02x\n", rec, rec==snt_1?"==":"!=", snt_1);}
} //End of main
// One byte send & receive
int snd_rec_byte(int s){ // PORT.D2=~RST PORT.D1=SCK PORT.D0=MOSI (PORT+1).D6=MISO
int r, i;
for(r=i=0 ; i<8; i++, s<<=1){ // 8 bit shifting while ~RST pin holding in H
outb((s&0x80?5:4)|phase, PORT); wait_u(W1); // holding SCK=L|H, MOSI=MSB of s; wait 1ms
outb((s&0x80?7:6)^phase, PORT); wait_u(W1); // change SCK=H|L, holding MOSI; wait 1ms
r<<=1; if(inb(PORT+1)&0x40)r|=1; // MISO shifted into r, outputs unchanged
outb((s&0x80?5:4)|phase, PORT); wait_u(W1);} // change SCK=L|H, HOLDING MOSI, wait 1ms
wait_u(W10); return(r); // waiting 10ms after the byte transfer
} //End of fnc
void wait_u(int c){ // Delay minimum c usec
struct timeval req, req2;
gettimeofday (&req, NULL);
gettimeofday (&req2, NULL);
if((req2.tv_sec-req.tv_sec)*1000000+req2.tv_usec-req.tv_usec >= c)return;}
} //End of func
.include "/usr/share/avra/tn45def.inc"
; .device ATtiny45
; ECHO_3WSLV.ASM LSz 2018.Jan.05
; USI is in three wire and slave mode with ext CK.
; It echoes back the complement of received bytes.
; Before the compilation it needs to be uncommented one of MODE and
; one of PHASE definition from the following 4 (equ) lines!
; You need to choose initial level of master CK
; according the following table when you start the master3w .
; ./master3w l --> A2 or B1
; ./master3w h --> A1 or B2
; 3wire, slave, ext CK and
; .equ MODE = 1<<usiwm0 | 1<< usics1 ; [case A] shifting by rising edge
; .equ MODE = 1<<usiwm0 | 1<< usics1 | 1<< usics0 ; [case B] shifting by falling edge
; clr USIOIF in USISRi and
; .equ PHASE = 1<< usioif ; [case 1] set USICNT[3:0]=0
; .equ PHASE = 1<< usioif | 1<< usicnt0 ; [case 2] set USICNT[3:0]=1
.org 0x0000 ;IT vector not used
bclr sreg_i ;disable IT forever
sbi ddrb, ddb1 ;DB1(MISO) is output, all other is input
ldi r16, MODE ;3wire, slave, ext CK, shifting by rising or falling edge
out usicr, r16
ldi r16, PHASE ;clr USIOIF, USICNT[3:0]= 0 or 1
out usisr, r16
cyc0: sbi usisr, usioif ;clr USIOIF
cyc1: sbis usisr, usioif ;skip if byte is received
rjmp cyc1 ;wait for a byte from master
in r16, USIBR ;get the received byte from USIBR
com r16
out usidr, r16 ;echo back the complement
rjmp cyc0 ;do forever
; The four outputs of compilation and appropriate starting parameter of master:
; echo_3wslv_A1.hex (./master3w h)
; :020000020000FC
; :10000000F894B99A08E10DB900E40EB9769A769B96
; :0A001000FECF00B300950FB9F9CF41
; :00000001FF
; echo_3wslv_A2.hex (./master3w l)
; :020000020000FC
; :10000000F894B99A08E10DB901E40EB9769A769B95
; :0A001000FECF00B300950FB9F9CF41
; :00000001FF
; echo_3wslv_B1.hex (./master3w l)
; :020000020000FC
; :10000000F894B99A0CE10DB900E40EB9769A769B92
; :0A001000FECF00B300950FB9F9CF41
; :00000001FF
; echo_3wslv_B2.hex (./master3w h)
; :020000020000FC
; :10000000F894B99A0CE10DB901E40EB9769A769B91
; :0A001000FECF00B300950FB9F9CF41
; :00000001FF
Now we can briefly summarize these cases what the appropriate usage of USIBR means.
When the level of inactive initial state of CK of master equals with LOW then
we can use two kinds of appropriate preinitialized 3w slaves:
1/ (B1) choosing falling edge for shifting and leave USICNT[3:0] in 0.
2/ (A2) choosing rising edge for shifting and preset USICNT[3:0] in 1.
And we can choose the dual equivalent of the above:
When the level of inactive initial state of CK of master equals with HIGH then
we can use two kinds of appropriate preinitialized 3w slaves:
1/ (A1) choosing rising edge for shifting and leave USICNT[3:0] in 0.
2/ (B2) choosing falling edge for shifting and preset USICNT[3:0] in 1.
And we must be aware that the above special align between
preinitializing of slave and the level of inactive initial state of CK
of master isn't part of any 3w or 2w protocol. This special aligning
between slave and master is just because of the overflowing
USICNT[3:0] and shifting USIBR has to be done at same kind of CK edge
of master in ATtiny45/85.
This is the essential information that should be put in the data sheet of chip and it could save many customers'/developers' hours who want to use USI part of this mcu family. (Or if this chip wouldn't have this side effect with USIBR.)
I note that this knowledge is also important in 2w mode.
Why was wrong the answer of Microchip support?:
Because they wanted to initialize USICNT[3:0] with the same value (0x01) after every overflow of USICNT[3:0].
And why was incomplete also their answer?:
Because they don't explore the duality between preinitializing USICNT[3:0]
with 1 and changing initial level of CK of master.