I have been doing some work with an energy harvesting IC from Linear Technology. It is the LTC3588-1.
In the application information section of the datasheet, there's the following setup for the IC (which I am not using/implementing, it just made me wonder...):
The 150K resistors are there to keep the maximum current within the limits of the IC. The PZ1 and PZ2 are the input pins for an ac source and there is a bridge rectifier inside the IC—hooked up to those pins.
My question, would it make any difference if instead of having two 150K resistors in series with each lead of the voltage source, you had all four resistors in series with a single lead?
Something like this:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
I'd just like to have someone's input on what the differences are between the two configurations. Thanks in advance.
ADD: An isolation transformer is actually added in the real circuit for obvious safety reasons. And the actual implementation I am working one DOES NOT use mains power like this. I was just curious about the resistors and thought about asking.