I have some 3.3V Arduino Pro Mini boards and they require either an FTDI cable or breakout board to be programmed from a USB port.
So far I've been using a board, but it's annoying to have to either solder headers in place or hold the boards carefully every time I make a modification to the code. Also, switching between 3.3V boards and 5V requires resoldering traces on the FTDI board.
The process goes like this:
- ensure FTDI board is soldered for the correct voltage, resolder if necessary.
- connect FTDI board to arduino pro mini.
- plug mini usb cable into FTDI board.
- carefully hold arduino and FTDI board in place.
- click upload in the Arduino IDE.
Then everything works.
I am aware that FTDI cables don't always support 'auto-reset', but I've never had to manually reset my Arduino in order to load new code.
When does one have to press the reset button if using a cable?
before uploading?
What's the deal here?
Also, can I use a USB FTDI cable to load 3.3V and 5V boards?