I tried to implement the simple FIFO and its test bench.
FIFO testbench code:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module fifo_tb();
localparam B=4, W=2; //4bit sized 4 entry fifo
localparam T=20;
reg clk, reset;
reg rd, wr;
reg [B-1:0] w_data;
wire [B-1:0] r_data;
wire empty, full;
fifo fifo
(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .rd(rd), .wr(wr),
.w_data(w_data), .empty(empty), .full(full),
always begin
clk = 1'b1;
clk = 1'b0;
initial begin
reset = 1'b1;
reset = 1'b0;
initial begin
wr = 1;
rd = 0;
w_data = {B{'b1000}};
@(negedge reset);
@(negedge clk);
w_data = {B{'b0100}};
@(negedge clk);
w_data = {B{'b0010}};
@(negedge clk);
w_data = {B{'b0001}};
@(negedge clk);
FIFO module code:
module fifo
parameter B=8, // number of bits in a word
W=4 // number of address bits
input wire clk, reset,
input wire rd, wr,
input wire [B-1:0] w_data,
output wire empty, full,
output wire [B-1:0] r_data
reg [B-1:0] array_reg [2**W-1:0];
reg [W-1:0] w_ptr_reg, w_ptr_next, w_ptr_succ; //tail
reg [W-1:0] r_ptr_reg, r_ptr_next, r_ptr_succ; //head
reg full_reg, empty_reg, full_next, empty_next;
wire wr_en;
//register file write operation
always @(posedge clk)
if (wr_en)
array_reg[w_ptr_reg] <= w_data;
//register file read operation
assign r_data = array_reg[r_ptr_reg];
//write enabled only when FIFO is not full
assign wr_en = wr & ~full_reg;
//fifo control logic
//register for read and write pointers
always @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
if (reset)
w_ptr_reg <= 0;
r_ptr_reg <= 0;
full_reg <= 1'b0;
empty_reg <= 1'b1;
w_ptr_reg <= w_ptr_next;
r_ptr_reg <= r_ptr_next;
full_reg <= full_next;
empty_reg <= empty_next;
//next state logic for read and write pointers.
always @*
//successive pointer values
w_ptr_succ = w_ptr_reg + 1;
r_ptr_succ = r_ptr_reg + 1;
//default: keep old values.
w_ptr_next = w_ptr_reg;
r_ptr_next = r_ptr_reg;
full_next = full_reg;
empty_next = empty_reg;
case ({wr, rd})
// 2'b00 no op
2'b01: //read
if (~empty_reg) // not empty
r_ptr_next = r_ptr_succ;
full_next = 1'b0;
if (r_ptr_succ == w_ptr_reg)
empty_next = 1'b1;
2'b10: //write
if (~full_reg) // not full
w_ptr_next = w_ptr_succ;
empty_next = 1'b0;
if (w_ptr_succ == r_ptr_reg)
full_next = 1'b1;
2'b11: //write and read
w_ptr_next = w_ptr_succ;
r_ptr_next = r_ptr_succ;
assign full = full_reg;
assign empty = empty_reg;
As far as I know putting @(negedge clk); makes the code infornt of it
to be executed at the negative edge of the clock, and
putting @(negedege clk); @(negedge clear); back to back makes the code to be executed at the negatvie edge of the clock that generated after the clear becomes zero.
Therefore, I've expected that the first code block in initial block
wr = 1;
rd = 0;
w_data = {B{'b1000}};
@(negedge reset);
@(negedge clk);
will be executed after the reset <= 0 and clk <=0 (i.e., 30ns in the below simulation).
However, the simulation result shows that the wr, rd, w_data are set at the first rising edge of the clock not at the 30ns. What code block generated this unintended simulation result?
I've tried to debug it, but still having a hard to find it...
I appreciate any help.