I have been able to use the following photodiode sensor board to detect changes in the output of the sensor when a UV plasma is active. However, changes sensed when the UV plasma is active are very small (0.01 - 0.05 mV). This is when the following board is directly connected to the the 5V supply of the arduino. How would I go about amplyfying this output signal? I've carried out some research on Op-Amps, and thought I might be able to use it in a transimpedance configuration. Would this work?
Photodiode board: https://www.adafruit.com/product/1918
Datasheet: https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/1918guva.pdf
Thank you for all your replies.
This is the schematic of the photodiode break-out board. Other photodiode's I have tested prior to this operated in large wavelength ranges (350nm to 1100nm) and as expected the output contained a lot of noise, probably due to ambient lighting. However, with a wavelength range of 240nm to 380nm this break-out board does not respond to changes in ambient lighting but only to the presence of weak-UV radiation. It is consistently at 0V till plasma is active. The only problem is that this signal is very small (mV magnitude)