I have disassembled a battery pack for an old (2007-ish) Panasonic camcorder. The battery pack would not charge, so in the interest of pyromania science, I decided to try to learn what's up.
The two batteries from the pack are labelled CGR17360 Li-ion MH12210. I have found http://www.datasheetcafe.com/cgr17360-datasheet-lithium-ion-battery which seems to match.
I measured one of the batteries and it was stable at 2.90v. The other battery was measured at -1.20v, a negative voltage. I verified the label was applied correctly, and I verified I was using the meter correctly.
So the question is: What is going on here? Is there any hope of reviving the second battery?
Does anyone have any experience using these batteries specifically in their projects? If so, anything I should know before going in?
Hints for any of these would be appreciated.