I was interested in making an analogue to pwm circuit. I want to feed the output to a differential amplifier that will then drive the gates of transistors. The differential amplifier==>isolation transformer==>gates works just fine. I have studied the 555 timer pulse width modulator circuit, and I would be fine using it if not for the fact that I would strongly prefer two outputs that swing from (Vcc, Ground) to (Ground,Vcc). This way I can be sure the push pull differential amplifier goes negative during the "output low" portion of the duty cycle.
Could anyone suggest such a circuit? I thought there might be a way using a 556 timer in a similar fashion, but I do not know how.
EDIT: Here is a quick sketch of what the circuit looks like:
So I want to have analogue inputs, and pwm outputs fed to a pair of differential amplifiers that boost the signal to higher current (I have a one amp dual op amp). This is then fed to an isolation transformer that switches an igbt.