I want to convert a verilog design into vhdl but i found a verilog module which I see no way to convert it, because the design itself makes no sense to me. The module entity is the following code snippet:
module fifo_mst_dpath (
// inputs
input fifoRstn,
input fifoClk,
input latch_clk,
input [31:0] tc_data,
input [3:0] tc_be,
input tc_rxf_n,
input tc_txe_n,
input snd_cmd,
input [3:0] bus_cmd,
input [31:0] tx_data,
input [3:0] tx_be,
input [2:0] ep_num,
// outputs
output reg [31:0] tp_data,
output reg [3:0] tp_be,
output reg rx_rxf_n,
output reg rx_txe_n,
output reg [31:0] rx_data,
output reg [3:0] rx_be
The input latch_clk drives the following logic:
always @(latch_clk or tc_data)
if (~latch_clk)
rx_data <= tc_data;
always @(latch_clk or tc_be)
if (~latch_clk)
rx_be <= tc_be;
always @(latch_clk or tc_rxf_n)
if (~latch_clk)
rx_rxf_n <= tc_rxf_n;
always @(latch_clk or tc_txe_n)
if (~latch_clk)
rx_txe_n <= tc_txe_n;
The problem is now, that the top-level design instantiates fifo_mst_dpath without connecting the input port latch_clk:
fifo_mst_dpath i_fifo_mst_dpath (
// inputs
// outputs
Simulating the desing with this configuration (missing latch_clk) will always result in rx_be = "XXXX", rx_data = "XXXXXXX" and so on. But these signals are used in the design for other logic and the design itself when synthesized will work. Can you help me understanding this issue? Am I missing something? How can this be converted to vhdl? Thank you.